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Pitney Bowes Survey Uncovers Generational Trends in the Workplace

Employee Communications Management Meets Generational Channel Preferences

STAMFORD, Conn., Oct 31, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Is your boss younger than you? Are you communicating well with each other? According to a survey conducted by Pitney Bowes Inc. at the Direct Marketing Association's DMA: 2011 Conference & Exhibition, 20% of 231 attendees polled are reporting to a younger supervisor.

The survey data calls attention to today's multi-generational workplace. The technologically adept Generation X bridges the gap between email-reliant Baby Boomers and the digital natives of Generation Y.

"Companies are working toward creating a more inclusive work environment. This means equitable messaging for all employees, regardless of how and where they work," said Susan Johnson, Vice President, Executive Succession and Diversity Strategies, Pitney Bowes Inc. "Effective diversity strategies now address regional, generational and even technological differences found throughout the workforce."

As each generation displays unique characteristics, knowing how to motivate and communicate with employees of all ages can be critical to a team and organization's overall success. A few tips for knowing your generational audience include:

  • Emphasize the strengths of each generation and instill these values into the workplace:
    • Baby Boomers tend to thrive on individualism.
    • Gen Xers often are drawn to entrepreneurialism.
    • Millennials may have an affinity for teamwork.

Susan Johnson adds: "As companies master customer communications management, they should also apply this strategy with their own employees. Sending the right message in the right channel to each generation in this challenging economic environment may lead to increased productivity and morale."

  • Consider communications channel preferences1:
    • Baby Boomers are most familiar and comfortable with email.
    • Generation X is flexible and savvy with most channels and technologies.
    • Millennials are constantly connected and turn first to text or instant message rather than talking.

About Pitney Bowes:

Delivering more than 90 years of innovation, Pitney Bowes provides software, hardware and services that integrate physical and digital communications channels. Long known for making its customers more productive, Pitney Bowes is increasingly helping other companies grow their business through advanced customer communications management. Pitney Bowes is a $5.4 billion company and employs 30,000 worldwide. Pitney Bowes: Every connection is a new opportunity(TM).


SOURCE: Pitney Bowes Inc.

Pitney Bowes Inc.
Angel D. Peoples, 203-351-6475 (office)
203-887-2670 (mobile)